For information about our regular Sunday services please see our services page
We are a Church of England parish on the edge of Swindon, in the Diocese of Bristol. We seek to share the good news of Jesus through serving the communities of Wroughton and Wichelstowe. As a worshipping community we share a range of Sunday and weekday services, from traditional to contemporary, and individuals and families will find a welcome at all. You will also find us out and about in schools, care homes, at community events and as volunteers in many different local contexts. Whether you are exploring the Christian faith or wanting to deepen your understanding and commitment you will be in good company with us as we journey the road of discipleship together.
Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish Church currently has a Silver Award as part of the Diocese of Bristol’s Safe & Welcome scheme which recognises, affirms and celebrates churches that are welcoming and safe places for all members of our communities.
Recognising the climate emergency we have also recently been awarded a silver Eco-Church award and we are working on a plan to reach the more challenging Gold award.
In September 2021 our Church Hall roof was fitted with Solar Photovoltaic Slates, to generate carbon free solar energy. Further information can be found on our Eco-Church Page.
Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parochial Church Council is a registered Living Wage Employer we are committed to paying our employees the Real Living Wage recommended by the living Wage Foundation.
Would you like to have the church of St John the Baptist and St Helen in Wroughton floodlit for a birthday or other special day or anniversary? Or would you just like to sponsor the floodlighting for an evening?
For £20 the church can be floodlit from 6pm (or dusk if it is later) until 10pm (Winter) or 11pm (Summer) on any night of the year.