28th April 2019

Sunday 28th April 2019

Easter 2


Lord of life
You defeated death
To demonstrate a love that is
Beyond our understanding
That reaches out even to me
Saving Grace to all who hear
Christ the Lord is risen to-day.  Alleluia!


  8.00am          Holy Communion

10.00am          Parish Communion

  4.00pm          Church at 4

Diary – Week Commencing 28th April

Monday 29th April

The Parish Office is closed today

8.00am            Morning Prayer – Church

10.00am          Bible Study Group – 11 St John Road

Tuesday 30th April

8.30am            Morning Prayer – Church

7.30pm            Standing Committee Meeting

Wednesday 1st May

8.30am            Morning Prayer – Church Hall

Thursday 2nd May

8.30am            Morning Prayer – Church

7.30pm            Choir Practice – Church

Filling Station – Sara Jane and Sherralyn

Friday 3rd May

8.45am            Morning Prayer – Prospect Hospice

7.00pm            Bellringers Practice – Church

7.00pm            115 Club – (1st & 3rd Friday of the month)

Saturday 4th May

10.00am          Healing on the Streets – Ellendune Centre

Dates for your diary 2019

Holiday Club 2019

This year’s Holiday Club will be Monday 12th to Friday 16th August 2019

Sunday 5th May 2019

Easter 3

8.00am            Holy Communion

Preacher:        Revd Phill Harrison

Sidespeople: John & Iris Smith

10.00am          Parish Communion

Preacher:        Revd Phill Harrison

Intercessions: Marion Colton

Reading:          Acts 9. 1-6

Reader:           Gillian Pitter

Gospel:            John 21. 1-19

Servers:           Gillian Pitter and Andrew Kirk

Sidespeople:    Alan & Kathy Gregory

4.00pm            Church at 4 – Church Hall

Leader:            Tracy Mason 

6.00pm            Evensong (1st Sunday of the month)

Preacher:        Diane Phillips

Intercessions: Janet Henderson

1st Reading:    Isaiah 38. 9-20

Reader:           Malcolm Morrison

2nd Reading: John 11. 27-44

Reader:           Margaret Penfound

Sidespeople:    Tony & Julia Edmonds 

Gluten free wafers

If you require a gluten free wafer for holy communion please let a sidesperson know.

TODAY – Low Sunday 28th April

Our organ bears a plaque marked “Herbert Vanstone Castle, organist and choirmaster at this church from 1952-1963.” Bert moved to Uganda after leaving Wroughton and died there suddenly at the age of 61 in 1969. His daughter Lynne was born in Swindon in 1943 and was married in Wroughton Church, with her father as organist, in 1962. Trained as a nurse and latterly the Night Manager of the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, she was also a piano teacher and still plays the organ at local churches in the Holsworthy area of Devon. On Sunday the 28th April she will return to Wroughton for the first time and will play music for part of the service on the organ her father played upon. We welcome her and members of her family to church on that day.


Congratulations and welcome to Carolyn Perry, Lynda Pell, Sally Parker, Hannah Wrixon and Diane Phillips who were elected to the Parochial Church Council at our Annual Meeting on 7 April and also to Martina Lewis who was co-opted onto the council at the PCC meeting which immediately followed. Please pray for them and all PCC members in preparation for their first meeting on May 14th. 

Sunday 19th May: 5th of Easter

Although not the first Sunday of the month, we will sing a fully Choral Evensong on 19th May (at 6.00pm) to mark the 25th anniversary of my first playing at Wroughton Church. Many guest singers from all over the region will supplement our own choir for this musical feast and there will food and drinks afterwards.  John Henderson 

Count your Blessings

We hope you have found the Count your Blessings leaflets thought provoking but interesting during Lent. Please make sure that Christian Aid benefits from the challenges by sending them your donations. The instructions are in the back of the leaflet. Your generosity will help many people struggling to survive.  

Good Friday Collection.

£250 was donated for Tearfund at the Good Friday performance by Wroughton Choral Society.

Do you shop at Waitrose?

If you shop at Waitrose in Mill Lane please can I ask you to use your green tokens throughout April to support Cancer Ninjas. This group was set up by Mike Horlock following the loss of his wife to Breast Cancer, they support Cancer UK in the belief that by doing a little, together we can achieve a lot. Thank you. Jean Ford


Swindon Youth for Christ

Swindon Youth for Christ is aiming to take the Good News of Jesus to every young person in Swindon. They want to do this in ways that are relevant to the lives the young people are living.

They work with local churches in primary and secondary schools, taking assemblies and lessons, and running lunchtime and after-school clubs.

The focus of their out-of-school work is changing to use sport to connect churches and their communities.

Please pray for their partnerships with local churches as they work to make contact with the town’s young people.  

Knitting for Mission to Seafarers

Knitters you are amazing. This week I have sent off a parcel of 20 hats and 15 scarves and am already half way to the next box full. Thank you all very much. We have been given a lot of wool recently so thank you to the donors and please take some if you would like to get knitting. It is on the pew near to the piano. Further information from Janet Henderson 525856.

Legge House Monthly Prayer Point

Pray that the upgrade and transition of Legge House
Accounting Programme goes smoothly and that Mark can learn how to use it properly!

This week please also pray for:-

  • Swindon Youth for Christ
  • For those who feel lonely, sad, depressed
  • For those caught up in the disaster in Sri Lanka
  • Standing Committee members who meet this week
  • Those facing redundancy
  • Our healing team
  • We commend to God’s care and keeping those who have died recently especially Joan Ewing, Michael Bates and Royston Gobey. We pray for all who mourn the loss of loved ones.