17th September 2023

Trinity 15


8am                       HOLY COMMUNION in Church

10am                     HOLY COMMUNION in Church and on YouTube

                                Creationtide – ‘Hope – the gift that sustains’

                                led by Eco Church Group



Monday 18th September                 12noon          Requiem Mass for Anna Codrington – in Church

                                                                7.30pm          Churchyard Committee Meeting

Tuesday 19th September                 9.00am          Morning Prayer in Church

Thursday 21st September               9.00am          Morning Prayer in Church




8am                        MORNING PRAYER in Church

                                Preacher:             Revd Chris Hunter

                                Sidesperson:      Jean Reens and Christine Wrixon

10am                     HOLY COMMUNION  in Church and on YouTube

                                Preacher:            Ven. Christopher Bryan

                                Intercessor:        Marion Colton

                                Reading:              Exodus 16: 2-15

                                Reader:                Helena Thomas

                                Altar servers:     Andrew Kirk and Andrew Francis

                                Sidesperson:      Tony & Julia Edmonds

Live streaming the 10am service

The 10am service will be live streamed on You Tube. Please visit our YouTube Channel on https://www.youtube.com/@WroughtonWichelstoweParChurch (or search for Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish church) and press the ‘subscribe’ button.

Small Groups

If you would like to join a small group, please contact the leaders of the groups below and find out where there is space. We would love to have everyone involved in a small group.

22 Kellsborough Avenue Mondays 10am-11.30


Lillian Wicks

Louise Bessent

12 Artis Avenue Tuesdays at 7.30pm Carolyn Kirk
Church Hall Alternate Tuesday evenings Nick Orman
The Vicarage Wednesday evenings during term time. Karen & Phill Harrison
Church Hall Saturday men’s breakfast Mike Mason


Dates to remember

Here are a few dates for your diary, things you may be

 able to help with too.

Harvest Festival

 on 1st October will include a Harvest Breakfast in church 

between the two morning services.

 Do stop late or come early to share croissants, toast, fresh fruit etc.

Pumpkin Party

Halloween alternative in Church Hall from 11.30 and including lunch on Saturday 28th October.

Christmas Activity

 Craft, fun and games in the Church Hall from 11.30 and including lunch on Saturday 25th November.

More details of how to help to follow.  Barbara


Welcome service for the new Bishop of Swindon

Bishop Viv is delighted to announce that this will take place on Advent Sunday, 3 December 2023 at 6.30pm in Christ Church Swindon. All are warmly invited to attend to welcome Neil as he begins his new ministry as our suffragan bishop. Bishop Neil will then visit many parishes over the course of 2024.

Harvest gifts

Our harvest celebration will take place on Sunday 1st October. As in previous years, we will be collecting items for The Filling Station, a charity with which we have long-standing connection. The Filling Station serve some of the most needy people in Swindon and for that reason they have a very specific list of things that they need, which you can find on the back page.

A simple prayer…

‘Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.’ (cf Mark 9:24b)

Q: Do you have a bible at home?

Q: Is your bible a modern translation, written in contemporary English (i.e. not King James)?

If the answer to either of these questions is ‘no’, then please do take a bible from the pile on the pew next to the curtain into the choir vestry. These are all left-over from the closure of Legge House. If you need a large-print bible then there are two of these as well.

Bridget Awre

Bridget died peacefully at home overnight on 5th/6th September. As many will know, Bridget had been increasingly unwell, particularly in last few months. Please hold Mike and the family in your prayers.

Legge House update

The Wroughton Youth Adventure Charity has now formally handed over responsibility for Legge House to The Diocese of Bristol, who are the landlords. The Diocese are currently considering what the options are for the future of the building. They have some catching up to do, as it has changed quite a lot in the 56 years since they last had responsibility for it! Hand over of the building means that Mark and Sheila have also now commenced their retirement. We pray for them as they enter this new phase of life and lay down some of their responsibilities. There will be a service of thanks and celebration of the charity’s work over the past 56 years on Sunday November 5th 2023 at 10am.

A muddy pile at the Church Hall!

People may have spotted a muddy pile in the Church Hall car-park. We have been digging the foundations for a replacement to the extension along the back of the building. When completed the new extension will replace the existing toilets and kitchen and allow us to create disabled accessible facilities, a new entrance and improved storage (which will release useable daytime space in the front ‘library room’). HOWEVER, we have no money! We need to dig the foundations now in order to secure our planning permission, but we won’t be able to proceed further without significant fundraising. Please speak to Revd Phill if you’d like more information.

Tear Fund Quiz

The TEAR Fund Quiz  is running again this year on Saturday October 7th. Doors open at 6.45pm and hot food will be served from 7.  Teams of 6-8 people may be entered by giving names to the Church Office or email office@wroughton.com from where tickets priced £10 may be obtained.   All proceeds towards TEAR Fund.


On Saturday 23rd September from 12 noon there will be an anniversary event at Willow-Brook Gardens, focussing on growing and eating seasonal food. Our church’s Eco group will be taking displays about our new gardens at the church hall, and others of our members will be helping with children’s activities. Do come along and support us .  If you have any unwanted gardening book or magaziness, suitable for beginners, that we could give away, please see Joan Orman.

Book & Jigsaw Swap

As part of Creationtide we’re encouraging ‘Recycle & Re-Use’ with a book and jigsaw swap.  Please bring any unwanted books or jigsaws and place them in the plastic containers near the bookcase in the Baptistry.  There will be a table set up to browse the donations on the next few Sundays (for all services).  Please take any that appeal.  All leftover books and jigsaws will be donated to a local charity or sent to the ‘Books for Africa’ charity.  Enjoy!  Eco-Church Group

Upper Churchyard Volunteers

Our next session will be on Thursday 21st September at 5pm…… until dusk.

As usual tea/coffee & cake available. Do join us if you can, no experience required……!

Bookcase in Church

The bookcase in Church is now overflowing as Christian reading books have been transferred there from Legge House.  In 2012 The Diocese had been intending to use Legge as a local resource base for ministers, ordinands and lay although it never formally happened due to a change of leadership in The Diocesan Board of Education. Please feel free to take home and borrow.  Mark

Eco Top Tips – practical ways to take better care of God’s creation

September – Lighting your home

  1. Turn your lights off when you’re not using them. If you switch a light off for just a few seconds, you will save more energy than it takes for the light to start up again, regardless of the type of light. energysavingtrust.org.uk/home-energy-efficiency/energy-saving-quick-wins
  2. If you have lights in your garden use solar powered lights that charge during the day and don’t require electricity.


We commend to God’s care and keeping those who have, died recently Bridget Awre and Anna Codrington.  We pray for all those who mourn the loss of a loved one.

The Parish Office, Priors Hill, Wroughton, SN4 0RT Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9am to 1.30pm

01793 812050  office@wroughton.com

Revd Phill Harrison – Vicar 01793 812301 vicar@wroughton.com

Revd Chris HunterCurate 01793 814987 curate@wroughton.com

Church Twitter Account – @WroughtonWichel Find us on Facebook – Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish Church

Please follow us for all the latest updates from Wroughton Parish Church.



feeding the hungry on the streets

Registered Charity No 1072429



Please put yourself in the position of a person sleeping on the streets, or living in a bedsit with limited, if any, cooking facilities. Consider whether it can be eaten from the can, heated simply, and opened easily (ring pull)

Peaches or Fruit

Baked Beans with sausage

Rice Pudding

Tuna Chunks

Corned Beef


Baked Beans / Spaghetti / Ravioli

(NOT, tinned tomato or any other vegetable, or tinned pies.

Please think ”Can I eat it now!)



The life style of most of the clients is such that they need everything, every week. Surprisingly, soap is one thing we don’t need, as there is limited access to water to use it, and the toilets they use supply it anyway! Again we have listed some suggestions. Small and many is better than big, as they will get lost quickly!


Roll-on Deodorant


Shaving Cream

Loo Rolls

Household Candles