8th September 2024


8.00am                  HOLY COMMUNION in Church

10.00am               MORNING WORSHIP in Church and on YouTube


Tuesday 10th September – 9.00 am Morning Prayer – Church

Tuesday 10th September – 7.30pm  PCC Meeting – Church Hall

Thursday 12th September – 9.00 am Morning Prayer – Church

Saturday 14th September – 9.00 am Upper Churchyard Working Party


8.00am                  HOLY COMMUNION in Church

                                  Preacher:             Mark Tubey

Reading:               1 Chronicles 29. 10-20

Sidespersons:    Pat Lewis and Dee Vincent

10.00am               HOLY COMMUNION in Church and on YouTube      

                                Preacher:             Mark Tubey

                                Intercessor:        Marion Colton

                                Reading:               1 Chronicles 29. 10-20

                                Reader:                 Alan Gregory

                                Altar Servers:     Andrew Kirk and Andrew Francis

                                Sidespersons:    Jean Ford and Lyn Hezlett

Live streaming the 10am service

The 10am service will be live streamed on You Tube. Please visit our YouTube Channel on https://www.youtube.com/@WroughtonWichelstoweParChurch (or search for Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish church) and press the ‘subscribe’ button.

Small group Sign-Up

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to be a member of one of our small groups? This Sunday (1st September) you have the possibility to find out as we are using small groups as the theme of our Sunday services. After the services we will have sign-up sheets for all our small groups, or, if none of these suit, the opportunity to tell us what other day/time would be good for you. Existing group members – you need to sign up too, either for your current group, or you could take the opportunity to switch groups. The sign-up sheets will be available on Sundays for the next couple of weeks, you can also ask someone else to sign up on your behalf, or let Janet in the office know.  There’s a brief description of each group at the end of the newsletter.


22 Kellsboro Avenue Mondays 10am-11.30 Lillian Wicks & Louise Bessent
12 Artis Avenue Tuesdays at 7.30pm Carolyn Kirk
Church Hall Alternate Tuesday evenings Nick Orman
The Vicarage Wednesday evenings during term time. Karen & Phill Harrison
Church Hall Saturday men’s breakfast Mike Mason


‘Sunday Club’ dates

Our Sunday morning group for primary school aged children takes place in the Vicarage during the 10am service, usually on the 1st and 3rd Sundays. Future dates are:

Date                     Adults – lead/support                    Date      Adults – lead/support

15/9                      Karen H / Beth                                   17/11   Hannah / Holly

6/10                      Barbara / Carolyn                             1/12      Joan / Helena

20/10                   Karen H / Miriam                              15/12   Karen H / Lyn

3/11                      Phill / Karen F

Small Group Essentials – Swindon Thursday Sept 19th (evening)

Small Group Essentials – Swindon Tickets, Thu, Sep 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite

The start of a five session course on becoming a better small group leader. For those who want training, help or a refresher – whether you are currently leading a group or not.

Date for diary – ‘Wildlife Walk’ – Sunday 8th September 2pm

Do please join us for a special ‘wildlife walk’ in the company of our resident botanist, Keith, who will show us the plants, birds and animals that are to be found in our local area at this time of year.  Meet at the Church Car Park at 2pm, with refreshments at the end of the walk (which will be no longer than 2 hours).  If the weather is particularly nasty the walk will be postponed to the following Sunday – 15th September. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the flora and fauna around us.  Any queries speak to Keith or Helena (07909 882150)

Next Upper Churchyard Working Party

Our next session is on Saturday 14th September from 9am.…… please come along and help for a couple of hours or whatever you can manage.  The weeds are still growing!!  All equipment and refreshments provided.  This session will go ahead unless the weather is particularly unpleasant!  Many thanks, Helena


After the demise of Traidcraft it has been difficult to find another company. Fortunately a few new ones have been formed recently such as Transform Trade and I have found another called We are Fairtrade. I have ordered biscuits to sell on September 8th to coincide with our Eco service and will also sell them the following week. Quite a few I’ve discovered belatedly are gluten free but I’m sure will still taste delicious

Everyday Faith Bible

‘Many thanks to all of you who filled in the survey for the new ‘Everyday Faith Bible’ which Bible Society and LICC are publishing.’  Andy Bissex 

Live Stream Sung Eucharist from Westminster Abbey, 08 September 2024.

If you still want to catch a live streamed Eucharist this Sunday, you could always join the service from Westminster Abbey via Sung Eucharist on Creation Sunday and Accession Day | Westminster Abbey (westminster-abbey.org) at 1115.  The service will be sung by the Lay Vicars of Westminster Abbey and the sermon will be given by the Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle, Dean of Westminster (and former Dean of Bristol Cathedral). You might also catch a glimpse of one of the choir from our Church as the Crucifer! 

Help Needed –

‘Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust Ride and Stride – Saturday 14th September 2024

A reminder from Mike Mason of the above event scheduled between the hours of 10.00 am and 6.00 pm on Saturday 14th September 2024. It is still not too late if you would like to take part and get hold of a sponsorship form. The event is open to cyclists, walkers and horse riders. Please contact Mike if interested – email address given below.  In addition, we have committed to having our Church open during the hours of the event (10.00 am to 6.00 pm). If you are able to be at Church for an hour slot between those start and finish times, that would be greatly appreciated. All that is required of you is to sign visiting participants sponsorship forms to confirm their visit, offer them refreshments (which will be provided on one of our trestle tables in the baptistry) and direct them to the wc if they require it. Due to our position at the top of the hill, the number of participants is never onerous and you can enjoy the peace of the building and the Churchyard between visitors! You will also be supporting a substantial fund raising effort for Wiltshire’s historic church buildings

If you are able to help in this regard, please contact Mike Mason, either by email ( masonmj@ntlworld.com ) or in person at Church.’

Eco Top Tips – practical ways to take better care of God’s creation

September – At the shops

  1. Think before you buy: gold does not always glitter brightly. A new £500 gold necklace has a carbon emissions tag of 400kg CO2e, the mining process damages landscapes, ecosystems and contaminates water, and can be associated with human rights violations.
  2. Think before you buy: the manufacture of a new car uses a lot of energy and resources which generate 6 tonnes CO2e for a small vehicle (more than half your total year’s carbon budget), 17 tonnes for an estate car and up to 35 tonnes for a top of the range Discovery Land Rover.
  3. Buy local and in season produce and look forward to seasonal changes. For example a punnet of strawberries flown in or grown locally in a hothouse in winter has a 1.8kg CO2e emissions cost. Whereas locally grown in the UK in summer its only 0.15kg a punnet.


We commend to God’s care and keeping those who have died, Eileen Soares-Madeira.  We pray for all those who mourn the loss of a loved one.


Small Group Profiles

Monday Morning 10-11.30am (22 Kellsboro Avenue; Lillian Wicks & Louise Bessant)

This group takes place in Lillian’s home and is led by Lillian and Louise. We usually look at the readings from Sunday and discuss and attempt to understand what God is saying through them on a deeper level. We also enjoy each other’s company and friendship. All this along with coffee, cake and or biscuits makes for an enjoyable time!!

Tuesday Evening 7.30pm (12 Artis Avenue; Carolyn Kirk)

We meet every Tuesday evening (with a few breaks for holiday periods). We usually use a Bible study workbook to help us delve into different Bible passages but we also join in with whole church studies at Lent or if there is a particular sermon series. We also allow plenty of time for fellowship, to share our news and to talk about life’s ups and downs knowing that we are in a confidential space.

Tuesday Evening 7.30pm (Church Hall; Nick & Joan Orman)

We usually attempt to study a book of the Bible in context and consider how it applies to our lives. We have just finished reading the gospels in parallel, but have also joined in the studies that the church has done. What will we be studying next? Possibly the Acts of the Apostles. We also spend some time praying for each other and our concerns.


Wednesday Evening 7.30-9.30pm (The Vicarage; Karen & Phill Harrison)

We meet weekly to encourage and support one another to take our faith forward, learning how to apply the Bible to our lives and exploring prayer. We usually use a Bible study workbook, for example last year we studied the Beatitudes, Ezekiel and themes from the writings of C.S.Lewis. We also make time for deepening friendships and providing the help we all need to face life’s challenges, and have regular social evenings enjoying food, fun and laughter together.

Men’s Group, Saturday 8.45am (Varied; Mike Mason)

This group meets roughly once every other month on a Saturday morning (8.45 am) and combines a local walk (weather permitting) for around an hour, with coffee and chat at a local café/pub for around another hour. The meeting is informal does not follow a set programme of study. It offers a chance to chat with Christians in a different setting and company than Church. Occasionally, a task related meeting might be arranged (an example being the clearance of undergrowth from the Church Hall car park) but the majority are aimed at social time. The aim is to conclude meetings by 11.00 am, to leave the majority of the day free.

A.N.Other small group(s) TBC

Are you keen to join in with a group but none of the current days or times suitable for you? Tell us what weekdays / times are suitable for you (e.g. Mon eve, Wed am, Thurs pm etc…..), and we’ll try and set up another group if we can get enough people together.