Remembrance Sunday
3rd Sunday before Advent
They shall grow not old,
as we that are left grow old;
age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
we will remember them. Amen
8.00am Holy Communion
10.00am Service of Remembrance
10.54am Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial
4.00pm Church at 4
Diary – Week Commencing 11th November
Monday 12th November
8.30am Morning Prayer – Church
10.00am Bible Study Group – 11 St John Road
7.30pm Diocesan Safeguarding Course – Church
7.30pm Buildings Committee Meeting
Tuesday 13th November
The Parish Office will be closed today
8.30am Morning Prayer – Church
7.30pm Wichelstowe Planning Meeting
Wednesday 14th November
8.30am Morning Prayer – Parish Office
Thursday 15th November
8.30am Morning Prayer – Church
12.30pm Ladies who Lunch – The White Hart, Wroughton
4.00pm Church & Worship Group – 11 St John Road
7.30pm Choir Practice – Church
Filling Station – Colin & Fran
Friday 16th November
8.45am Morning Prayer – Prospect Hospice
7.00pm Bellringers Practice
7.00pm 115 Club (1st & 3rd Friday of the month)
Saturday 17th November
10.00am Healing on the Street – Ellendune Centre
2.00pm Wedding Service for Jeremy Bowyer and Louise Sampson
7.30pm The Big Quiz for Tearfund – Church Hall
Dates for your diary
The Big Quiz for Tearfund
Will be on Saturday evening, 17th November in the Church Hall. Save the date!
Christingle Services
Christmas Eve 3pm & 5pm
Sunday 18th November 2018
2nd Sunday before Advent
8.00am Holy Communion
Preacher: Revd Phill Harrison
Sidespeople: John & Iris Smith
10.00am Parish Communion
Preacher: Revd Phill Harrison
Intercessions: Margaret Penfound
Reading: Daniel 12. 1-3
Reader: Carolyn Perry
Gospel: Mark 13. 1-8
Servers: Jean Ford and Andrew Kirk
Sidespeople: Lillian Wicks and Jean Leo
11.45am Christening Service for Bethany & Lewis Portingale
4.00pm Church at 4
Led by: Revd Phill Harrison
6.00pm Evensong
Next Evensong will be Sunday 4th December
Healing Team
On the 1st Sunday of the month the healing team will be praying at the front of the St Helen’s Chapel from 9.30am.
The Church will be floodlit on Tuesday 13th November by Jean Lawton in memory of Edward Lawton.
Home Communion
If you know of anyone who would like the option of Holy Communion at home please speak to Janet in the Parish Office.
TODAY – Remembrance Sunday
Sunday 11th November marks the centenary of the armistice that ended the tragedy of World War I. As usual, we will be marking this important date with a Remembrance service in church, after which we will walk down to the War Memorial on Wharf Road for the wreath-laying ceremony. The service in church begins at 10:00 and the act of remembrance at the War Memorial begins at 10:50 (prompt).
Poppy Display
Thank you to everyone who made poppies for our display and to Jean Ford who attached all the poppies. The display will be left up in Church for several weeks.
Stewardship Letters
As you would have heard we are predicting a large deficit this year and an even larger one next year. Please pray about this. We have now had about a quarter of the Stewardship Forms back. So if you haven’t already please could you return your Stewardship form to the box in Church or to the Parish Office. If you have asked for further information you should receive that soon however, a few people did not give their name so we are unable to contact them. If you don’t hear anything please contact Ross or Nick.
Children’s Society
Many thanks to all Children’s Society box holders. We have raised £311 from this year’s box opening. Having been our church Children’s Society co-ordinator for the past 9 years,
I am thinking of passing this role to someone new. If you would like to support The Children’s Society in this way please speak to me at church or call me on 637161 for further details.
Tearfund Big Quiz Night
On 17th November we will be taking part in the Tearfund Big Quiz night. Churches and other groups across the country will be joining in the quiz to raise funds for the work of Tearfund. Our quiz will be held at the church hall and doors will open at 7pm. We will be serving food (please bring your own drinks – tea and coffee will be served). Teams of 6-8 people if you not in a team we will find a team for you, please book in advance – tickets available from Margaret Penfound (812139).
Ladies who Lunch
Our next lunch is on Thursday 15th November, 12.30pm at The White Hart , Wroughton. Please let Gwen Poole (813573) know by Tuesday 13th November if you are able to come. Menus for the Christmas Lunch on Monday 17th December at 12.30pm at The Bakers at Badbury will be available soon. Choices will need to be made on the menu and handed back to Gwen by the beginning of December please. Any suggestions for the New Year list gratefully received – also any omissions. Gwen Poole
Can you help!
The coffee team would greatly appreciate some volunteers to give us a hand. It would entail doing the coffees about once a month. If you are interested please talk to Sally Parker, Carolyn Kirk or Karen Ferguson.
The Journey
We are looking for people to take part in “The Journey” as our ‘SEA OF PEOPLE’ on 9th December in Old Town.
As part of this epic piece, we are looking for families and individuals of all ages from all walks of life, culture and background to join us for a small but vital part of the experience. You will be part of the sea of people, the huge number of citizens who were asked to leave their home, without warning and take a long and dangerous journey at the behest of an oppressive regime – sound familiar?
This is still happening now and as part of our retelling of this story, we are paying tribute to the millions of refugees that are experiencing this today. You will join us at Bath Road and finish your journey at Wood Street. You will just need to wear your own clothes. Families are welcome, unfortunately no prams but babes in arms and hand holding toddlers are welcome. Can you join us to create this epic visual reminder of troubled times, both past and present?
Contact Anna Friend at
Tarija, a small town in Bolivia, is considered to be a little corner of paradise, with green valleys and a mild climate. This makes it a magnet for migrants seeking work, but also those wanting to exploit them through drugs and people trafficking. Tearfund workers are helping churches address these risks and stand by the community to find solutions. Please pray:
- for the ten churches which have taken up Tearfund’s training and are helping to keep young people free of drugs
- for Pastor Justiniano, ministering in a slum outside Tarija where there is a severe lack of public services
- for the Tearfund staff in Bolivia, that they will continue to bring the love of Jesus to the communities in practical ways.
Marathon runner
Philip Good, our CMS partner in Beirut writes:
I am running the Beirut Marathon on 11th November all 26miles of it along with my daughter Beth. Please do sponsor me, we are raising money for the Spring of Life children’s program here. Go to to make a donation online. Or make a pledge by return email and I will let you know the UK charity details so you can sort out Gift Aid (
Knitting for Mission to Seafarers
During the last three months I have been able to send off three large boxes of knitted hats, scarves and gloves to Mission to Seafarers. These are distributed to those working on ships in adverse weather conditions who do not own warm clothing. Thank you to everyone who keeps knitting and to those who provide wool. If you would like to get started there are patterns and wool in the boxes by the choir vestry. For further information please contact Janet Henderson 525856.
This week please also pray for:-
- Tearfund
- Our CMS Mission Partners Phil & Sylvie Good
- Those feeling unwell
- For Jeremy & Louise as they marry in Church on Saturday
- For the family and friends of Bethany & Lewis Portingale as they are christened in Church next Sunday
- We commend to God’s care and keeping those who have died recently especially Fred Burnett, Margaret Dunmore and Sharon Bromage.
We pray for all who mourn the loss of loved ones.