
Diocese of Bristol, Parish of Wroughton and Wichelstowe
Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults

As Christians, we believe that every person has a value and dignity that comes directly from God. Each of us are created in his own image and likeness. Among other things, this implies a duty to value all people as bearing the precious image of God and therefore to protect them from harm.

We take our Safeguarding responsibilities seriously. Safeguarding is a standing agenda item at our PCC meetings and we seek to ensure that all members of our congregations recieve the training and safeguarding information that they need.

Our Parish Safeguarding officer is Mark Tubey. Mark can be contacted by emailing:

Revised Parish Safeguarding Policy after Nov PCC 2024

If you have a Safeguarding concern…

If a child, young person or adult has shared a concern with you or you have seen or heard something of concern:

If the situation is urgent i.e. there is an imminent risk of harm: contact the police on 101 or 999 as appropriate or contact the Local Authority Children or Adults safeguarding Teams:
Swindon Borough Council: Children’s Safeguarding Team
01793466903 ‐ Monday to Friday
01793 436699 ‐ Out of hours/Weekends
Swindon Borough Council: Adult Safeguarding Team
01793 463555 ‐ Monday to Friday
01793 436699 ‐ Out of hours/Weekends
Or email at any time.

Once you have sought advice from police or the Local Authority and the situation is made safe, inform the Parish Safeguarding Officer as soon as possible of the concern and actions taken, provide a written record of this. If the concern is about the Parish Safeguarding Officer
contact the Vicar or Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser.

If the situation is of concern but is not urgent: Contact the Parish Safeguarding Officer (contact details are in Appendix 1) to report the concern and provide a written record (if the concern is about the Parish Safeguarding Officer contact the Vicar or Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser). They will decide with you whether to discuss with the child, their parents or carers or the adult and any carers and whether a referral to the Local Authority Children or Adults Safeguarding Team is needed or any other action.
Note: Anyone can report a concern directly to police or the Local Authority at anytime.