On a Sunday…
ReadersĀ and servers
If you’d be happy to help with our Bible readings please speak to Phill or Barbara. If you’d like to assist with serving communion please let Phill or Barbara know.
Leading Intercessions
If you’d be able to lead us in prayer for our world and our community please speak to Phill or Barbara.
Tea and coffee rota
Do you know how to make a good cuppa? We’d love you to assist us! We’re always grateful for a few sweet treats too!
Sunday 10am- speak to Sally Parker
Children’s work
Might you be available to help make our younger visitors welcome?
Sunday 10am- speak to Joan Orman
During the week…
Church cleaners
If you are free to help keep the church building clean and tidy please speak to one of our Churchwardens- Peter Ferguson or Lyn Hezlett