Revd Phill Harrison
Tel: 01793 812301
Welcome to Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish Church. We offer a variety of worship styles from BCP and Parish Communion in the Parish Church to something more contemporary in the Church Hall. Whether you are exploring the Christian faith or wanting to deepen your understanding and commitment you will be in good company with us as we journey the road of discipleship together. We look forward to welcoming you whatever your background. Revd. Phill
Revd Barbara Abrey
Tel: 01793 633024
Barbara is a long-time resident of Wroughton and our Associate Minister. She is involved in all aspects of our worship, including Christenings and Weddings.
Parish Administrator
Janet Burchell
The Parish Office
Church Hall
Priors Hill
Tel 01793 812050
Janet runs our Parish Office and takes bookings for christenings, weddings and funerals as well as for the Parish Hall.
The office is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9.00am- 2pm.
Visitors in person are welcomed on these days between 10-00am and 1pm.
Lay Ministers
John Godfree |
Mark Tubey |
Marion Colton |
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Tracy Mason |
Martina Lewis | ![]()
Parish Safeguarding Officer
We take Safeguarding seriously. For contact details and more information, please click here.
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