Bible Sunday
8am HOLY COMMUNION in Church
10am HOLY COMMUNION in Church and on YouTube
6pm ALL SOULS EVENSONG in Church and on YouTube
All Souls Day is the day in the church year when we particularly remember, pray for, and commend to God all those who have died. At our All Souls Evensong service we will be remembering by name some of those who have died.
Monday 30th October 7.30pm Standing Committee Meeting
Tuesday 31st October 9.00am Morning Prayer – Church
7.30pm Pray and Bless Wroughton and Wichelstowe – Church Hall
Thursday 2nd November 9.00am Morning Prayer – Church
Saturday 4th November 9 to 11am Upper Churchyard Working Group
8am HOLY COMMUNION in Church
Preacher: Revd Barbara Abrey
Sidesperson: Alan & Christine Wrixon
in Church and on YouTube
Preacher: Revd Canon Michael Johnson
Intercessor: Sheila Tubey
Altar Servers: Louise Sampson and Gillian Pitter
Sidesperson: Jean Ford and Lyn Hezlett
6pm EVENSONG in Church
Preacher: Mark Tubey
Intercessor: Janet Henderson
Reading: Isaiah 65. 17-25
Reader: Jean Ford
Sidesperson: Sylvia Woodward and Jean Ford
Live streaming the 10am service
The 10am service will be live streamed on You Tube. Please visit our YouTube Channel on (or search for Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish church) and press the ‘subscribe’ button.
Small Groups
If you would like to join a small group, please contact the leaders of the groups below and find out where there is space. We would love to have everyone involved in a small group.
22 Kellsborough Avenue | Mondays 10am-11.30
Lillian Wicks
Louise Bessent |
12 Artis Avenue | Tuesdays at 7.30pm | Carolyn Kirk |
Church Hall | Alternate Tuesday evenings | Nick Orman |
The Vicarage | Wednesday evenings during term time. | Karen & Phill Harrison |
Church Hall | Saturday men’s breakfast | Mike Mason |
Service of thanksgiving for the ministry of Legge House
Next Sunday, 5th November, our 10am service will be a special service of thanksgiving for the ministry of the Wroughton Youth Adventure Charit (Legge House). Over a remarkable 56 years Legge House welcomed literally thousands of children, young people and their carers for short breaks, activities and times of friendship and fellowship. Sadly Legge House closed this summer, but we want to give thanks to God for all that he has done through this Christian ministry of hospitality. We will be welcoming Revd Canon Michael Johnson and Revd Cheryl Hawkins back to Wroughton for this celebration service, which will be followed by refreshments.
Welcome Andy Bissex
We’re delighted to welcome Andy to our church community. Andy is currently training part-time for ordained ministry at Ripon College, Cuddesdon whilst continuing to work in his ‘day job’ at the Bible Society. Andy will be with us for at least a year and hopes to be ordained in the summer of 2025. During his time with us he will play a full role in the life of the parish, including the public ministries of preaching and leading worship.
10am Morning Worship service in November
Next month our more contemporary Morning Worship service will move from the second to the third Sunday, to accommodate Remembrance Sunday on 12th November.
New Rector of Liddington and Wanborough, Bishopstone with Hinton Parva
Bishop Viv has announced that Revd Steve Paynter has been appointed as the new Rector. Steve’s special interests are mountain walking, cycling, sailing, bee keeping and virtually all things to do with the natural world. He has served as the Creation Care Lead in the Willesden Area of London for the past few years. Our own Revd Chris continues to support the parishes whilst we await Steve’s arrival.
Open the Book
Teams of people from our church visit Wroughton Infants and East Wichel schools to tell dramatized Bible stories in assemblies. At the moment we visit each school about once every half term. The children love our visits, particularly when they can dress up and join in!
It would be good to have a few more people who could join our teams. There are no lines to learn, and you may not even have to dress up. If you’d like to know more, please speak to Barbara Abrey or Joan Orman.
Upper Churchyard Working Parties
Thank you to everyone who’s been helping with maintaining the upper churchyard ….. and of course also to our lovely community volunteers who do such a great job in the lower churchyard. Over the winter we’re going to try and have a working party once a month for the upper churchyard – on the first Saturday of each month from 9am to approximately 11am. So the next one will be on Saturday 4th November from 9am. Followed by 2nd December, and 6th January. You don’t have to come regularly, and you don’t have to use a mower or strimmer – there are always other jobs to do…… and there’s usually tea & cake 😊 Dates will only be cancelled if the weather is blowing a gale or very heavy rain…..!
Run The World in 80 Days for ‘Doctors Without Borders’
As some of you know, my daughter Nicola is travelling slowly back from Kazakhstan to England overland…….she’s currently in Albania after travelling & exploring 9 countries along the way. As a response to the current humanitarian aid needs, she’s challenged herself to run 5kms every day for 80 days – wherever she is in the world – to fundraise for the charity ‘Doctors Without Borders’ (Medecins Sans Frontiers) – who provide medical aid wherever it’s required – often in challenging & dangerous situations. Many of you will of course have responded to emergency aid requests, but if you feel able to support her fundraising efforts you can donate at: N Thomas is fundraising for Medecins Sans Frontieres / Doctors Without Borders (MSF) ( Once back in the UK (mid December hopefully), I’m sure she’d be happy to come to church & chat with anyone who’s interested in her experiences! Many thanks, Helena
In person Safeguarding Leadership Training
We have spaces available on the next face to face Leadership Training course taking place at the Diocesan Office on Thursday 23rd and Thursday 30th November at 10.00am. If you, or the churchwardens in your parish, need to complete this training and prefer the face to face style of learning you can book places here.
High quality desk and wall calendars by Wroughton Monthly’s wildlife writer BOZ. Desk calendars £6.50 and wall calendars £8.50. For delivery or collection call 07884 108434/ 01793 812589 Dr Keith Hooper. Also available at the parish church.
Eco Top Tips – practical ways to take better care of God’s creation
October – Keeping Warm
- Make sure your hot water tank is insulated with a thick jacket. It will save you lots of money not to mention reducing your carbon emissions.
- Has your loft got loads of insulation? It’s one of the cheapest and easiest ways to save energy and will pay for itself in hardly any time.
We are still having problems with the floodlighting due to a electrical fault. We are unable to take any floodlighting requests until this has been rectified. We will let you know when this has been sorted.
We commend to God’s care and keeping those who have, died recently Eileen Wakefield and Colin Ash. We pray for all those who mourn the loss of a loved one.
The Parish Office, Priors Hill, Wroughton, SN4 0RT Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9am to 1.30pm
01793 812050
Revd Phill Harrison – Vicar 01793 812301
Revd Chris Hunter – Curate 01793 814987
Church Twitter Account – @WroughtonWichel Find us on Facebook – Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish Church
Please follow us for all the latest updates from Wroughton Parish Church.