Sunday 26th May & 2nd June 2019
Easter 6
Diary – Week Commencing 26th May
Monday 27th May
The Parish Office is closed today
8.30am Morning Prayer – Church
10.00am Bible Study Group – 11 St John Road
Tuesday 28th May
The Parish Office is closed today
8.30am Morning Prayer – Church
Wednesday 29th May
The Parish Office is closed today
8.30am Morning Prayer – Church Hall
10.00am Family Gardening Morning –
Willowbrook Gardens
Thursday 30th May
8.30am Morning Prayer – Church
7.30pm Choir Practice – Church
Filling Station – Tony & Tracy
Friday 31st May
The Parish Office is closed today
8.45am Morning Prayer – Prospect Hospice
7.00pm Bellringers Practice – Church
7.00pm 115 Club – (1st & 3rd Friday of the month)
Saturday 1st June
10.00am Healing on the Streets – Ellendune Centre
2.45pm Cream Teas and Bring & Buy – St Josephs
With Wroughton Silver Band proceeds
To Prospect Hospice.
Diary – Week Commencing 2nd June
Monday 3rd June
8.30am Morning Prayer – Church
10.00am Bible Study Group – 11 St John Road
Tuesday 4th June
The Parish Office is closed today
8.30am Morning Prayer – Church
7.30pm Holiday Club Planning Meeting
7.30pm Standing Committee
Wednesday 5th June
8.30am Morning Prayer – Church Hall
Thursday 6th June
8.30am Morning Prayer – Church
4.00pm Church & Worship Group – 11 St John Road
7.30pm Choir Practice – Church
Filling Station – Margaret & Julie
Friday 7th June
8.45am Morning Prayer – Prospect Hospice
7.00pm Bellringers Practice – Church
7.00pm 115 Club – (1st & 3rd Friday of the month)
Saturday 8th June
Dates for your diary 2019
Holiday Club 2019
This year’s Holiday Club will be Monday 12th to Friday 16th August 2019
Gardening Day at Willow Brook Gardens
Wednesday 29th May
Wroughton Carnival
Saturday 6th July
Parish Office Closed
I will be on holiday from Tuesday 28th May until Friday 31st May. The Office will reopen on Monday 3rd June. Janet
Sunday 2nd June 2019
8.00am Holy Communion
Preacher: Tracy Mason
Sidespeople: Jean Reens and Christine Wrixon
10.00am Parish Communion
Preacher: Tracy Mason
Intercessions: Sheila Tubey
Reading: Acts 1. 1-11
Reader: Alan Gregory
Gospel: Luke 24. 44-53
Servers: Gillian Pitter and Jean Ford
Sidespeople: Sally Parker and June Bradley
4.00pm Church at 4 – Church Hall
Leader: Cheryl Hawkins
6.00pm Evensong (1st Sunday of the Month)
Preacher: Marion Colton
Intercessions: John Henderson
1st Reading: 2 Kings 2. 1-15
Reader: Helen Toomer
2nd Reading:Revelation 5
Reader: Helena Thomas
Sidespeople: Sylvia Woodward and Pat Brown
Sunday 9th June 2019
8.00am Holy Communion
Preacher: Cheryl Hawkins
Sidespeople: John & Iris Smith
10.00am Parish Communion
Preacher: Cheryl Hawkins
Intercessions: Mark Tubey
Reading: Acts 2. 1-21
Reader: Carol Gibbon
Gospel: John 14. 8-17, 25-27
Servers: Andrew Kirk and Petrina Kingsley
Sidespeople: Mike & Bridge Awre
4.00pm Church at 4 – Church Hall
Leader: All
6.00pm Evensong (1st Sunday of the Month)
Our next Service will be Sunday 7th July.
Gluten free wafers
If you require a gluten free wafer for holy communion please let a sidesperson know.
The Bible Course:
Whether you’re new to the bible or want to go deeper, The Bible Course is for you. It shows how all the books, characters and events fit together to form one BIG story, from Genesis to Revelation.
The three groups are all now underway. Please note that the Thursday group will be meeting at 11 St John Road on 30th May for one week only. All other Thursday sessions will be at The Vicarage.
Groups are as follows:
Monday 10am at 11 St John Road
Wednesday 7:30pm at 12 Artis Ave
Thursday 2pm at The Vicarage (except on 30th May when at 11 St John Road)
If you can’t manage all of the dates for your chosen group then don’t worry, the course material is really good quality, so you will definitely benefit from the sessions that you can make. We will also try to arrange for spare DVDs to be available, so that you can catch up at home if you want to. Late joiners are always welcome!
Many thanks to all who came to Evensong last Sunday whether singing, catering or worshipping. Certainly the largest Evensong congregation we have had for some time! Thank you also for the unnecessary but most welcome presents. I’m just wondering whether I have a reputation for being alcoholic!! Thank you again, though 25 years is really nothing for an organist. Many congregations have had to put up with their organist for 40, 50 and, in one case I know of, 70 years. John
Family Gardening Morning
On Wednesday 29th May at 10am, we will be working with Vision 4 Wroughton to run a Family Gardening Morning at Willowbrook Gardens. We would be glad of help to take things across from the church hall (tables, refreshments, and the event shelter if it’s raining) and to encourage the families with seed sowing, potting up plants etc. Also, if anyone has any spare plants that could either be planted at Willowbrook or which the families could pot up to take home that would be great. Please speak to Joan Orman for more information.
Cream Teas and Bring & Buy
Saturday 1st June 2019, 2.45pm
In the grounds of St Joseph’s Church, featuring Wroughton Silver Band in aid of Prospect Hospice. If you are able to make scones please would you phone Ann Moss (813318). If you have any items for the table top sale please put them in the box at the back of the Church.
Spring Harvest 2020
Spring Harvest is a teaching and worship event for everybody. It’s a unique break for all the family: holiday, festival, conference, and an encounter with God. Many people from our church have been going for years! Next year we’re hoping to go as a group to Spring Harvest “Minehead 2”, which is the week after Easter, from 13th-17th April 2020 (“Minehead 1” is during Holy Week, and tricky for the ministry team to manage). We’re planning to book as soon as booking opens on 26th June (as accommodation goes quickly). We’ll get more information to you over the coming weeks, but to start with there’s some information on the noticeboard about prices. Do start thinking and praying about whether you can join us!
Date for your diary!
This autumn we will be having a ‘Parish Weekend at home’. Please keep the weekend of 12th and 13th October free. We have a guest speaker booked and hope to include plenty of opportunities for fellowship and laughter as well as growing in our relationship with God.
The Deanery School
The Deanery school building in Wichelstowe is complete! The keys are due to be handed over from the Department of Education to Linda Culling, the school Principal at the beginning of July. Various community groups have already booked to use the facilities over the summer and the school will open its door to the first pupils on Wednesday 4th September. Please continue to pray for all involved and especially the children who will play such an important role in establishing this new school community.
We still have one vacancy for a Foundation Governor. Please speak to Revd Phill if you’re interested in contributing to the success of the school in this way.
Holiday Club craft
We need corner yogurt containers and small glass jars (mustard size) for the children to use in some of the craft at holiday Club, so if you have any please save them for us. Any left over will be recycled.
Swindon Youth for Christ
Swindon Youth for Christ staff and volunteers go into local schools to take lessons and assemblies, and run lunchtime and after school groups. This provides opportunities to bring a Christian perspective to discussions on various issues with groups of young people, and for individual mentoring of vulnerable teenagers.
Please pray that more schools would invite them to work with their students, and that churches would be encouraged to join them to work in the schools in their neighbourhoods.
Knitting for Mission to Seafarers
At the end of April I was able to send off another 30 hats and 16 scarves. This brings the total for the year so far to 75 hats and 45 scarves which is magnificent. Thank you very much. The charity are always grateful to receive our knitwear so if you need a knitting project there are patterns available in church, or if you can donate some wool please leave it in one of the boxes by the blue vestry curtains. Details from Janet Henderson 525856.
The Church will be floodlit on Monday 3rd June in memory of John Thomas Appleby.
This week please also pray for:-
- Swindon Youth for Christ
- For those taking Stats, GCSE’s and A Levels
- The Deanery School and Linda Culling as the keys are handed over this week
- Those on holiday this week
- We commend to God’s care and keeping those who have died recently especially Patricia Pinch and Leslie Young. We pray for all who mourn the loss of loved ones.