Trinity 5
8.00am HOLY COMMUNION in Church
10.00am HOLY COMMUNION in Church and on YouTube
Tuesday 2nd July – 9.00 am Morning Prayer – Church
Thursday 4th July – 9.00 am Morning Prayer – Church
Saturday 6th July – Wroughton Carnival
SUNDAY 7th July 2024
Trinity 6
8.00am HOLY COMMUNION in Church
Preacher: Revd Chris Hunter
Reading: Ephesians 3. 14-21
Sidespersons: Pat Lewis and Dee Vincent
10.00am HOLY COMMUNION in Church and on YouTube
Preacher: Revd Chris Hunter
Intercessor: Peter Ferguson
Reading: Ephesians 3. 14-21
Reader: Ida Morton
Altar Servers: Andrew Kirk and Jean Ford
Sidespersons: Sally Parker and June Bradley
6.00pm EVENSONG in Church
Preacher: Andy Bissex
Intercessor: Dr John Godfree
Reading: Isaiah 6
Reader: Revd Phill Harrison
Sidespersons: Lyn Hezlett and Jean Ford
Live streaming the 10am service
The 10am service will be live streamed on You Tube. Please visit our YouTube Channel on (or search for Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish church) and press the ‘subscribe’ button.
‘Sunday Club’ dates
Our Sunday morning group for primary school aged children takes place in the Vicarage during the 10am service, usually on the 1st and 3rd Sundays. Future dates are:
Date | Adults- lead/support |
7/7 | Hannah/Holly (a party to mark the Hunters last Sunday Club; it would be lovely if all our kids could be there). |
21/7 | Joan/Helena T |
Small Groups
If you would like to join a small group, please contact the leaders of the groups below and find out where there is space. We would love to have everyone involved in a small group.
22 Kellsboro Avenue | Mondays 10am-11.30 | Lillian Wicks & Louise Bessent |
12 Artis Avenue | Tuesdays at 7.30pm | Carolyn Kirk |
Church Hall | Alternate Tuesday evenings | Nick Orman |
The Vicarage | Wednesday evenings during term time. | Karen & Phill Harrison |
Church Hall | Saturday men’s breakfast | Mike Mason |
Chris Hunter & family last service
Following the 10am service on Sunday 7th July we are planning to serve fizz and savoury finger food. Donations of food please speak to Jean Ford. If you wish to make a donation to Chris’s leaving collection please give it to the Church Wardens, Peter Ferguson or Lyn Hezlett.
The coach to Chris’ licencing service has been booked and is now fully subscribed. If you put your name down for the coach please would you give your £15 fare to either Ross or Janet, Parish Office. If you put your name down for the coach, but have now decided not to go, please would you let us know asap as we have a waiting list.
We are planning to run a children’s holiday club again this year for 3 mornings on 6th, 7th and 8th August. We will be inviting primary age children to join us. If you would like to help out in any way, for some or all of the days, we need support with craft, drama, refreshments and setting up. All helpers would be most welcome. Please speak to Hannah or Carolyn for further details.
Wroughton Carnival
Wroughton Carnival committee are still looking for a few volunteers to help us on July 6th. You will only need to do an hour unless you would like to do more and you can choose a time slot that fits in with your day. Please email me or speak to me in Church and I will pass on your details to our volunteer coordinator if you are happy for me to do so Sally Parker
Re-plastering in the baptistry
After 8 months or so the ‘new’ plaster in the baptistry still hasn’t dried out, this is preventing us from applying the smooth top coat and re-fitting the radiators. We’d really like the radiators back before facing another winter, so we recently had a meeting with the architect and the builder to talk about how we move this forward. We are constrained by the fact that the church is a grade 1 listed building, so all of the work that we do needs proper consent and the materials and finishes need to be in-keeping with the character of the building.
It was agreed that the best long-term solution to the problem of damp coming through the wall is to fit oak wainscotting to the lower part of the wall, similar to the wainscotting that we have in the bottom of the bell tower. The wainscotting will stand away from the wall, leaving a gap for air to circulate behind and providing an attractive and durable finish. The disadvantage of this is that it is much more expensive than plastering the wall, however we have little choice given that plaster won’t ‘stick’. Looking on the positive side, this does present us with an opportunity to significantly enhance both the aesthetics and practicality of this area of the church. If we’re building wainscotting anyway then it’s not too big an additional step to think about setting the radiator back into it and incorporating some open shelving and cupboard space. We could replace mismatched and poor quality furniture in the baptistry and create something that is both more attractive and fit for purpose.
Our architect will prepare some drawings for us to consider and will consult with the appropriate authorities for listed building approval. We will need to think about fund-raising because this work will cost more than we had budgeted for.
Prayer Spaces in Schools
On Tuesday 2nd July, we are planning to lead an afternoon of prayer spaces in Wroughton Juniors. This is for the Year 6 classes, to support them as they prepare to finish primary school. The prayer spaces will be spiritual reflections and prayer stations to encourage them in this time of transition. We need a couple of volunteers who can help with leading this — volunteers will need to have a current DBS check for going into schools, and will need to be available for the afternoon of Tuesday 2nd July.
This is a great opportunity for us as a church to contribute to the life of one of the schools in our parish. Please pray for us in planning and delivering this, and as we seek to engage with the students on behalf of the church.
If you would like more information or you are interested in helping, please speak to Chris.
Exciting news for Brighter Futures Blanketeers
The GWH Brighter Future Blanketeers group has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Carer category of BBC Radio Wiltshire’s ‘Make A Difference’ Awards 2024. The results will be announced at a ceremony on September 7th. Well done and thank you to all of you who have contributed to making blankets for the End of Life unit at GWH whether by knitting or crocheting squares, by sewing squares into blankets or by providing wool. Completed squares (6 inches) in DK yarn and Balls of Double Knitting acrylic yarn (no glitter please) can be left in church. The boxes are in a side pew. Thank you. Janet Henderson.
Growing Faith. Together: We’re in this together
Join with other churches from across the diocese for this exciting event where we gather to strengthen our faith and grow together as a community. We’re in this together will take place on 13th July 2024, at St Paul’s Church, Chippenham. The event will be an opportunity to reflect together on how we can create networks of support and communities that will encourage us in the journey of culture change.
Keynote Speaker: Lead Academy
There will be time to meet personally with all of our speakers and to find out more about the challenges and joys they have experienced. You will have the opportunity to connect, think and pray with others who are longing to grow in faith and see our churches thrive, share your experiences, and learn from one another.
Note: This event both stands alone, but is also part of a series throughout the year focusing on helping us to develop new and more effective discipleship pathways within our churches. Attendance is free, book via Eventbrite:
Come and Sing Fauré’s Requiem
Is being held at St Sampson’s Church, Cricklade on Saturday 6th July.
Rehearsals will be from 11am to 3.30pm with a performance at 4pm. It will be directed by Mark Lee, Director of Music, Bristol Cathedral. Cost is £20 to include score and light refreshments (not lunch). Some of our choir are intending to attend so some lift sharing may be possible. There is a poster in the porch giving full details. Janet Henderson.
Ride and Stride 2024
‘Wiltshire Historic Churches Ride and Stride 2024 – Advance notice that this year’s event where sponsored cyclists, horse riders and walkers can visit local churches in aid of the Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust, is to take place on Saturday 14th September 2024.
If you are interested in taking part in this popular long-standing event that raises money to help maintain Wiltshire’s historic church buildings, please contact local organiser for the Parish, Mike Mason on email:‘
Week 5 – Ephesians 4:1-16 Living our calling (unity)
The second half of the letter opens with a reminder of the fundamental instructions for living the Christian life. He takes his readers ‘back to the basics’ of what it means for us to be church, that is the body of Christ here on earth.
- Have you ever needed to go back to the instruction book provided with a product to remind yourself how it’s supposed to operate? Are you the type of person who reads the instructions first or do you ignore the instructions and try to figure it out as you go along?
- The Christian life begins with ‘calling’ (v1). One of the things we are called to do is to bear with one another in love (v2), how can we do this?
- Describe the unity that God has given us with other believers (locally and around the world), even when we have differences with them.
- What threatens unity in our Christian community?
Unity was central to Paul’s vision of the church but we have become accustomed to so many divisions within the worldwide church. Sometimes it may be possible for a church to wander so far off course that its claim to be loyal to Jesus Christ is seriously called into question. Whatever position we take, the one thing we can’t do is to pretend that unity isn’t a central and vital issue. Unless we are working to defend, develop and maintain unity, we can scarcely claim to be following Paul’s teaching.
- How can we maintain and guard the unity we have with other believers?
- What is the ‘single hope’ that goes with our call (v4-6)?
- Thank God for your calling to faith and the body of believers he has put you in. Ask for help to maintain unity and promote growth through the use of your gifts (ref v11-13).
Eco Top Tips – practical ways to take better care of God’s creation
June – Share the love
- Join the Climate Coalition Speak Up week to voice your concerns about our children’s futures, to our elected representatives.
- Write to your local councillor or MP about a local or national eco issue. There are top tips on how at . Be polite, don’t make it about party politics and make sure you are not being a NYBY.
We commend to God’s care and keeping those who have died. We pray for all those who mourn the loss of a loved one.
The Church Office
My day off next week is Wednesday 3rd July. I will also be off Friday 5th July to Tuesday 9th July. I return Wednesday 10th July. You will be glad to hear that this is the end of all my weekends away! Janet
The Parish Office, Priors Hill, Wroughton, SN4 0RT – 01793 812050
Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9am to 1.30pm Revd Phill Harrison – Vicar 01793 812301 Revd Chris Hunter – Curate 01793 814987 Church Twitter Account – @WroughtonWichel Find us on Facebook – Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish Church Please follow us for all the latest updates from Wroughton & Wichelstowe Parish Church. |