Sunday 18th June 2023

Trinity 2


8am                       HOLY COMMUNION in Church

10am                     HOLY COMMUNION in Church and on YouTube



Tuesday 20th June             9.00am          Morning Prayer in Church

11.45am       Funeral Service for Eric Barrett in Church

Thursday 22nd June           9.00am          Morning Prayer in Church

SUNDAY 25th JUNE 2023


8am                        MORNING PRAYER in Church

                                Preacher:             Revd Chris Hunter

                                Sidesperson:      Alan & Christine Wrixon 

10am                     HOLY COMMUNION in Church and on YouTube.

                                Preacher:             Sally Hunter

                                Intercessor:        Peter Ferguson

                                Sidespersons:    Sally Parker and June Bradley

6pm                       CHORAL EVENSONG in Church

sung by members of Wroughton and Christ Church choirs with music by Mendelssohn, Sir William Harris and Sir John Stainer.

                                Intercessor:        Janet Henderson

                                Reading:               Isaiah 40. 1-11

                                Reader:                 Jean Ford             

Small Groups

If you would like to join a small group, please contact the leaders of the groups below and find out where there is space. We would love to have everyone involved in a small group.

22 Kellsborough Avenue Mondays 10am-11.30


Lillian Wicks

Louise Bessent

12 Artis Avenue Tuesdays at 7.30pm Carolyn Kirk
Church Hall Alternate Tuesday evenings Nick Orman
The Vicarage Wednesday evenings during term time. Karen & Phill Harrison
Church Hall Saturday men’s breakfast Mike Mason


Live streaming the 10am service

The 10am service will be live streamed on You Tube. Please visit our YouTube Channel on (or search for Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish church) and press the ‘subscribe’ button.

Upper Churchyard Working Party

Thank you to those who’ve already volunteered to help with maintenance of the upper churchyard.  There will be a Working Party on the morning of  Saturday 17th June, from 9am. Everyone is welcome, even if you do not wish to help on a regular basis. The more hands the better!   Homemade cake and tea/coffee will be provided.  Please bring tools and wear suitable clothing and footwear.  Many thanks.  Helena Thomas 

Church Weekend at Home – 24th to 25th June

Please remember to pick up a Church Weekend at Home booking form from the back of the Church if you wish to attend and let Janet (Parish Office) or Phill have it.

Choral Evensong

On the Sunday of our Parish Weekend, the 25th at 6.00pm, a full cathedral-style Choral Evensong will be sung by members of Wroughton and Christ Church choirs with music by Mendelssohn, Sir William Harris and Sir John Stainer.

Church Cleaning

Our church is kept clean and welcoming by our six teams of wonderful volunteers. Two of these teams are now down to only two people which makes it hard work.

Thank you to the person who offered to join the rota after the APCM.  If anyone else feels that they could spare about an hour once every six weeks to help with this valuable work please speak to one of the clergy or to Janet Henderson in church or on 525856.

Introducing… The Gathering Space

What is it? A new monthly Café church style service that weaves together coffee, cake and conversation with an opportunity to reflect further on the bible reading from Sunday morning and to respond in prayer.

When is it? 3pm to 4pm on the last Sunday of every month. Starting on Sunday 25th June (no service in May).  Where is it? The Church Hall, Prior’s Hill.

An Afternoon with Compassion

Pattern Church, Sunday 25th June at 3pm

Compassion are connecting churches and families around the world to alleviate child poverty through child sponsorship. We have a team from Compassion, including a recent graduate of the programme, coming to tell us more about their work and how we might get involved on June 25th at 3pm, Pattern Church, Penzance Drive SN5 7JL. All welcome! For more information or any questions email

Message from Malcolm at the Lighthouse bookshop

With closure of the Rainbow Bookshop, the only Christian Bookshop in Swindon is now the Lighthouse Bookshop in Highworth. We look forward to welcoming new customers and serving the wider Christian community in the Swindon area.  The shop has a good stock of Christian books, Bibles, greeting cards and gift items.  If not in stock we can obtain items very quickly through Christian publishers and wholesalers with whom we have good contacts. For large orders we can arrange for them to be delivered directly from the supplier to your address. Find them at: The Lighthouse Bookshop, 40 High Street, Highworth SN6 7AQ

Parish Weekend Ramble

Please join us for a shortish walk (no longer than an hour) from the Church Car Park at 3pm on Saturday 24th June.  On the way back we will be stopping at Elm Cottage, 5A Elcombe – where afternoon tea will be served (yes, there will be scones!) 

Fancy a summer’s evening concert?

All Saints Lydiard Millicent are hosting the Royal Wootton Bassett Chamber orchestra on Saturday 8th July at 6.30 pm. Tickets are £5.00 on the door or in advance. Refreshments will be available before the performance.

Diocese of Bristol – Transformational funding announced

We’re excited to announce that the National Church are fully supporting our ‘Transforming Church. Together’ (TCT) programme – beginning with £6.8m for the first three years! This is amazing news for the life and work of our churches, parishes, and communities. Thank you for your contributions to early conversations, through online surveys and working groups; in chapters and synods, praying and discerning. We’ve done this together, with Christ at the centre – and that’s how we’ll progress.

The heart of TC.T encourages us to follow Jesus, by serving others, with discernment of resources for mission being made in a local context. Parishes and deaneries will work together on those activities which will have a transformative impact where they are. Alongside this investment from National Church, parishes continue in their vital and generous contributions, via Parish Share. This, alongside using reserves for work surrounding Net Zero, adds up to an ambitious mission programme. TC.T will be phased so that it helps us flourish, whilst being aware of and building upon the good work we are already doing in God’s name. More information can be found here:

Knitting for GWH

Last week I took our latest two blankets in to GWH for the End of Life unit. Many thanks to Jean and Gillian who completed these two. (photos below).  I also received this email thanking us for our blankets

“Janet, a very belated thank you to the knitters and crocheters in your group.

The blankets will give comfort to patients and their families at GWH.

As I mentioned when we met recently, the crocheted granny square blankets are especially attractive. One person created a crocheted blanket with a thin fleece backing. The Palliative care team were thrilled with it.

Best wishes Jane, Mary and Gillian – the 3 End of Life volunteers who collect, check and  package the beautiful blankets”.

Walking for Charity

On June 1st I signed up for Dementia UKs Summer Steps Challenge. I have pledged to walk a million steps during June July and August. This means an average of 10,800 steps a day (just under 5 miles). In the first 10 days of June I have achieved 11046 steps a day. Dementia UK is the specialist dementia nursing charity which provides many forms of support to families affected by dementia. If you would like to make a donation please click on this link or see me in church. Thank you for your support. Janet Henderson

Eco Top Tips – practical ways to take better care of God’s creation

June – Holiday highlights

  1. If you are planning to fly for your holiday make sure you carbon offset the carbon you generate from your flight eg with Climate Stewards
  2. Holiday waste? When you are away try to take as much care to save energy, recycle, prevent food waste as you would at home.


We commend to God’s care and keeping those who have, died recently, Margaret Parsons, Iris Lopez,
Eric Barrett and Mike Durston.  We pray for all those who mourn the loss of a loved one.