18th February 2024

Lent 1


8am                       HOLY COMMUNION in Church

10am                     HOLY COMMUNION in Church and on YouTube


Tuesday 20th February                     9.00am                 Morning Prayer – Church

Thursday 22nd February                  9.00am                 Morning Prayer – Church

Friday 23rd February                         12noon                 Lent Lunches – St Joseph’s Parish Centre

SUNDAY 25th February 2024

Lent 2

8am                        MORNING PRAYER in Church

 Preacher:             Dr John Godfree

Sidespersons:    Ron & Joan Reader


10.00am               HOLY COMMUNION in Church and on YouTube      

Guest Speaker:  Deborah Tomkins, Climate Justice (see separate notice)

Intercessor:        Peter Ferguson

Reading:               Isaiah 58: 6-14

Reader:                 Ida Morton

Altar Servers:     Judith Alexander and Gillian Pitter

Sidespersons:    Lillian Wicks and Ross Fralley

Live streaming the 10am service

The 10am service will be live streamed on You Tube. Please visit our YouTube Channel on https://www.youtube.com/@WroughtonWichelstoweParChurch (or search for Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish church) and press the ‘subscribe’ button.

‘Sunday Club’ dates

Our Sunday morning group for primary school aged children takes place in the Vicarage during the 10am service, usually on the 1st and 3rd Sundays.  Future dates are:


Date Adults- lead/support
18/2 Sally/Miriam
3/3 Karen H/ Lyn
17/3 Hannah/Holly
7/4 Joan/Helena T


Small Groups

If you would like to join a small group, please contact the leaders of the groups below and find out where there is space. We would love to have everyone involved in a small group.

22 Kellsborough Avenue Mondays 10am-11.30 Lillian Wicks & Louise Bessent
12 Artis Avenue Tuesdays at 7.30pm Carolyn Kirk
Church Hall Alternate Tuesday evenings Nick Orman
The Vicarage Wednesday evenings during term time. Karen & Phill Harrison
Church Hall Saturday men’s breakfast Mike Mason


Swindon Deanery day of prayer – Sunday February 4th

As we are seeking to do God’s will in Swindon Deanery through our Deanery plan, Deanery Leadership Team would ask you all to join in a Deanery Day of prayer on Sunday 4th February and to include the attached Deanery prayer and prayer points in your own prayers.

Lent & Climate Justice – guest speaker 25 February 

We’re pleased to welcome Deborah Tomkins, co-chair of ‘Green Christian’ to our 10am service on Sunday 25 February.  The ‘Green Christian’ organisation work with Christians, churches and the Green movement to witness to hope in the ecological crisis. Deborah will talk on ‘Climate Justice’.

And please pray for the Lent Vigil for Climate Justice taking place until 24th February outside Parliament, where ordinary people  from Tearfund, Christian Aid, Green Christian and others will lament our climate complicity and call for bold action.


During Lent the Tuesday evening small group, which meets at the church hall, will be studying a course produced by the Diocese of Bristol, based around the diocese’s “Transforming Church. Together” project. There are four sessions, starting on 20th February, and we will meet on the Tuesdays in Lent except when there is a prayer meeting. If you would be interested in joining us please speak to Nick or Joan Orman, or email joan.orman@btinternet.com 

Lent Lunches

Soup  ~  Bread  ~  Cheese

Tea or Coffee

Every Friday during Lent at St Joseph’s Parish Centre, Devizes Road, Wroughton

From Friday 16th February, 12noon to 1.00pm – Donations for Christian Aid/Cafod

Everyone Welcome

Afternoon tea, Saturday 2nd March – tickets now on sale

Our Wednesday housegroup is organising an afternoon tea (the full works!) in aid of the Swindon Food Collective, on Saturday 2nd March in the church hall, from 3.30-5pm. Tickets are £10 and are now available from the church office. Under 12s are free, but please let us know and bring an item to donate to the Food Collective with you. Please do come and treat yourselves in aid of a very worthy cause!

Cheryl Hawkins update – Good news!

On Sunday 5th February the Acting Archdeacon of Bristol made the following announcement: “Following the recent interviews and the recommendation of the Parish representatives, the Bishop of Bath and Wells has appointed the Reverend Cheryl Hawkins to the post of Vicar of the Benefice of Burnham on Sea.  This appointment is subject to a satisfactory completion of the usual statutory checks made on all clergy taking up a new post. Details of a Service of Welcome and Institution will be announced in due course. We give thanks for the ministry that Cheryl has offered during her time with the Diocese of Bristol; please hold her in your prayers as she prepares to begin this new ministry.”

The Hiding Place – Oddments Theatre Co.

Come and watch the true story of Corrie Ten Boom and her family, who rescued Jews during the 2nd World War. Oddments Theatre are partnering with Maranatha Christian School and Barnabas Aid to bring this story to Swindon at 7pm on Friday 8th March (at Barnabas Aid, SN2 8UN). Tickets are £10 at www.oddments-theatre.co.uk.

Eco Top Tips – practical ways to take better care of God’s creation

February – Be informed

  1. Are you responsible for more or less than the average UK carbon footprint of 12 tonnes CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent)? Challenge yourself to reduce by 1 tonne this year. Climate Stewards have an easy to use carbon calculator climatestewards.org
  2. Read a book to become more “carbon literate” and understand the greenhouse gas cost of your choices. Try “How Bad are Bananas? The Carbon Footprint of Everything” Mike Burners-Lee
  3. Do your own internet research to become more “carbon literate”: choose one item a day this week to find out what its carbon “cost” is. For example a kg of rice produces 4kg of CO2e in production or a kg of potatoes is 0.37kg CO2e.


We commend to God’s care and keeping those who have, died recently Susan Davies.  We pray for all those who mourn the loss of a loved one.



Please use the prayer and prayer pointers below in your own prayers and encourage their use by your congregation and in prayers of intercession.

Swindon Deanery Prayer

Lord God, maker of heaven and earth,

We thank you for your unceasing care for us and for calling us to serve you in Swindon Deanery.

We lift our eyes to you and ask for your help in Swindon and the surrounding communities.

As we share the hope, love and good news of Jesus in our neighbourhoods

Guide us by your Spirit,

Unite us in your Son

And lead us to the people and initiatives where you want us to be.

Transform our Deanery so that more people know your love and hope in their lives

As we commit to serve one another and our town and villages

With love which reflects Jesus’ sacrifice, compassion and priorities

In His name we pray


Please pray:

  • For clarity of thought as we plan and implement the Deanery Vision
  • For human and other resources to make the plan a reality
  • For clear priorities making best use of available resources
  • For good communication and cooperation within the Deanery and with those elsewhere in the diocese who can help us
  • For effective sharing of the hope, love and good news of Jesus in our neighbourhoods.
  • For God’s kingdom to become more visible in Swindon and for more people to be impacted by God’s love.
The Parish Office, Priors Hill, Wroughton, SN4 0RT Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9am to 1.30pm

01793 812050  office@wroughton.com

Revd Phill Harrison – Vicar 01793 812301 vicar@wroughton.com

Revd Chris HunterCurate 01793 814987 curate@wroughton.com  Church Twitter Account – @WroughtonWichel

Find us on Facebook – Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish Church Please follow us for all the latest updates from

Wroughton & Wichelstowe Parish Church.