9th & 16th July 2023


8am                       HOLY COMMUNION in Church

10am                     MORNING WORSHIP in Church and on YouTube



Monday 10th July               7.30pm          Buildings Committee Meeting – Church Hall

Tuesday 11th July               9.00am          Morning Prayer in Church

11.00am       Funeral Service for Mike Durston

Thursday 13th July             9.00am          Morning Prayer in Church

Saturday 15th July             8.45am           Men’s Group (see separate notice)

Monday 17th July               7.30pm          PCC Meeting – Church Hall

Tuesday 18th July               9.00am          Morning Prayer in Church

Thursday 20th July             9.00am          Morning Prayer in Church

SUNDAY 16th JULY 2023


8am                        HOLY COMMUNION in Church

                                Preacher:             Mark Tubey

                                Sidesperson:      Jean Reens and Christine Wrixon


10am                     HOLY COMMUNION in Church and on YouTube.

                                Preacher:             Mark Tubey

                                Intercessor:        Peter Ferguson

Reading:              Isaiah 55. 10-13

                                Reader:                Veronica Garside

                                Servers:               Louise Sampson and Gillian Pitter

                                Sidesperson:      Alan & Kathy Gregory

SUNDAY 23rd JULY 2023


8am                        MORNING PRAYER in Church

                                Preacher:             Revd Chris Hunter

                                Sidesperson:      Pat Lewis and Dee Vincent

10am                     HOLY COMMUNION in Church and on YouTube.

                                Preacher:             Revd Phill Harrison

                                Intercessor:        Helen Toomer

Reading:              Wisdom of Solodom 12. 13, 16-19

                                Reader:                Lillian Wicks

                                Servers:               Jean Ford and Petrina Kingsley

                                Sidesperson:      Rose Humphries and Pat Herring

Live streaming the 10am service

The 10am service will be live streamed on You Tube. Please visit our YouTube Channel on https://www.youtube.com/@WroughtonWichelstoweParChurch (or search for Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish church) and press the ‘subscribe’ button.

Small Groups

If you would like to join a small group, please contact the leaders of the groups below and find out where there is space. We would love to have everyone involved in a small group.

22 Kellsborough Avenue Mondays 10am-11.30


Lillian Wicks

Louise Bessent

12 Artis Avenue Tuesdays at 7.30pm Carolyn Kirk
Church Hall Alternate Tuesday evenings Nick Orman
The Vicarage Wednesday evenings during term time. Karen & Phill Harrison
Church Hall Saturday men’s breakfast Mike Mason


Receiving emails

We are having problems sending emails to gmail accounts.  If you are not receiving the notices or anything you think you should be getting from the Vicar, Curate, Treasurer or Parish Administrator please bear with us until we have rectified this problem.  Many thanks, Janet Burchell

Children’s provision at 10am services

There is now a group of young children who regularly attend our 10am service on Sunday morning and we would like to support and encourage them as they explore and grow in the faith that means so much to us older members of the church. The less formal service on the 2nd Sunday of the month is already more child-friendly, so we have decided to experiment on the following Sunday by taking the children into the belfry to do an activity during the sermon. This gives the children and leaders space to feel less like they need to whisper, but has the obvious disadvantage that it is nosier for the rest of us! Being one vast space means that our building is not ideal for having two groups of people doing different things. Please be understanding whilst we try to work out what we can do to meet everyone’s needs. Revd Phill.

The Filling Station – Sandwiches, Thursday 20th July

Our church will be supplying sandwiches etc. for the homeless via the Filling Station on Thursday, 20th July.  If you would be willing to prepare a loaf of sandwiches or supply something else, please add your name to the signup sheet on the church chest and take a reminder card. Please note that the food needs to be taken to

11 Blenheim Road (Alan and Kathy Gregory’s).


Thanks to everyone who prepared for and took part in the Carnival procession on Saturday.

Churchyard Count on Nature 2023

Thanks to all those adults and children who took part in our annual ‘Count on Nature’ event on 3 June, when we recorded the plant and animal species encountered in our churchyard …… and had fun!

In total 113 different species were recorded – this was up by 21 species from last year.  Not surprisingly there was an increase in different grasses and flowers to be found, including a white helleborine. Nature is excellent at thriving when we let it! A roe deer and red kites were also spotted. This will be an annual event that we hope to build on as a community activity.

Upper Churchyard Volunteers – Evening work parties & Gardening Equipment

Please come and join us on Wednesday 12 July from 6pm and/or Friday 21 July from 5pm, to help tidy and maintain our upper churchyard.  We are short of volunteers so any help would be welcome, even if you don’t want to be a ‘regular’.  There’s lots to do, including grass cutting of existing paths, verges and access to graves; clearing  memorials and benches; pulling up pernicious weeds; and weeding/tidying borders and paths…. Refreshments will be available.  If you can’t make those dates but want to help, please speak to Helena or Rev Phill.

In addition, we need equipment……. do you have any garden tools you no longer require?  Digging spade and fork; Grass and Soil rake; Wheelbarrow;  Hoe; Hand Shears; Secateurs; Trowel, lightweight strimmer, leaf blower etc.  Any donations will be gratefully received.

Men’s Group Next Meeting

The next meeting of Men’s Group is scheduled for Saturday 15th July, for a short walk around the Wichelstowe green spaces starting at 8.45 am followed by coffee/tea and chat at the H & W. The aim will be to be finished at circa 11.00 am.

Wiltshire Historic Churches Ride and Stride 2023

Advance notice that this year’s event where sponsored cyclists, horse riders and walkers can visit local churches in aid of the Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust, is to take place on Saturday 9th September 2023.

If you are interested in taking part in this popular long-standing event that raises money to help maintain Wiltshire’s historic church buildings, please contact local organiser for the Parish, Mike Mason on email: masonmj@ntlworld.com

Knitting for charity

Last week we sent five knitted blankets to the neonatal unit at GWH. Thanks to Gillian and Janet for knitting these. If you would like to knit one of these please note that they should be one piece 24 by 24 inches, made from Baby DK yarn (not wool or glitter because of allergies) in pastel colours and tightly knit so there are no holes to trap tiny fingers.  Any questions ask Janet Henderson (01793 525856).  Thank you.

Eco Top Tips – practical ways to take better care of God’s creation

July – Your electrical appliances

  1. You can save around £30 a year just by remembering to turn your appliances off at the plug rather than leaving them in standby mode. energysavingtrust.org.uk/home-energy-efficiency/energy-saving-quick-wins
  2. Take your phone charger out of the socket when not in use. It uses energy even when it’s not charging your phone.
  3. Buy A-rated electrical appliances whenever you can. They may be more expensive initially but you will save on your energy bills.

Thank You          

Many thanks to everyone that helped, provided scones and came to our Cream Teas event at St Joseph’s.  We managed to raise £1,100+ for the Prospect Hospice.  Ann Moss, St Joseph’s Church


We are having problems with the floodlighting due to a electrical fault, we need new fuse boards.  We are unable to take any floodlighting requests until this has been rectified. We will let you know when this has been sorted.


We commend to God’s care and keeping those who have, died recently Mike Durston, Iris Dickens, Helen Jefferies and Marlene Ching.  We pray for all those who mourn the loss of a loved one.

The Church Office

The Office will be closed from Monday 10th July and will reopen on Wednesday 19th July as I will be on annual leave.  Any queries please contact the Revd Phill Harrison (812301) or the Revd Chris Hunter (814987).

Janet Burchell


The Parish Office, Priors Hill, Wroughton, SN4 0RT Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9am to 1.30pm

01793 812050  office@wroughton.com

Revd Phill Harrison – Vicar 01793 812301 vicar@wroughton.com

Revd Chris HunterCurate 01793 814987 curate@wroughton.com

Church Twitter Account – @WroughtonWichel Find us on Facebook – Wroughton and Wichelstowe Parish Church

Please follow us for all the latest updates from Wroughton Parish Church.